Towards poverty alleviation programmes in Nagaland and Manipur
Burman, B. K. Roy
Towards poverty alleviation programmes in Nagaland and Manipur / B. K. Roy Burman, Lava Yamben and Lanu Imchen. – New Delhi : Mittal Pub., 1984.
xxxi, 123 p.
Include index
954.165 / BUR\T
Towards poverty alleviation programmes in Nagaland and Manipur / B. K. Roy Burman, Lava Yamben and Lanu Imchen. – New Delhi : Mittal Pub., 1984.
xxxi, 123 p.
Include index
- ISBN : Rs.75.00 .
- History--Nagaland--Manipur
- History .
954.165 / BUR\T