Transfer of defence technology understanding the nuances and making it work for India
Desouza, Kevin A.
Transfer of defence technology : understanding the nuances and making it work for India / Kevin A. Desouza. – New Delhi : Knowledge World Publishers, 2020.
xix, 231 p.
Includes Epilogue, Annexure I, Annexure II. Index
623.3 / DES\T
Transfer of defence technology : understanding the nuances and making it work for India / Kevin A. Desouza. – New Delhi : Knowledge World Publishers, 2020.
xix, 231 p.
Includes Epilogue, Annexure I, Annexure II. Index
- ISBN 9789389137170 : 980.00 .
- Defence technology
- Defence studies
- Military-industrial complex
- Defence studies-India .
623.3 / DES\T