Magical book on quicker maths Miraculous for competitions,stimulating for general use
Magical book on quicker maths : Miraculous for competitions,stimulating for general use / M. Tyra. – rev. & enl. 6th ed.. – Delhi : BSC, 2022.
Miraculous for banks,LIC, GIC, UTI, SSC, CPO, management,railways and other competitive exams
stimulating for general use
510 / TYR\M
Magical book on quicker maths : Miraculous for competitions,stimulating for general use / M. Tyra. – rev. & enl. 6th ed.. – Delhi : BSC, 2022.
Miraculous for banks,LIC, GIC, UTI, SSC, CPO, management,railways and other competitive exams
stimulating for general use
- ISBN 9788190458924 : Rs.540.00 .
- Competitive exam book
- Competitive exam-solved papers
- Quicker maths .
510 / TYR\M