Sastra siddhantalesangraha with the commentary by Krishna Lankar of Achyutakrishnananda Tirtha
Dikshit, Appaya
Sastra siddhantalesangraha : with the commentary by Krishna Lankar of Achyutakrishnananda Tirtha / Appaya Dikshit. – Srirangam : Vani Vilas, 1935.
v.1 – (Kashmir series of texts and studies ; No. XXXI).
891.2 / DIK\S
Sastra siddhantalesangraha : with the commentary by Krishna Lankar of Achyutakrishnananda Tirtha / Appaya Dikshit. – Srirangam : Vani Vilas, 1935.
v.1 – (Kashmir series of texts and studies ; No. XXXI).
- ISBN : Rs. .
- Sanskrit
- Sanskrit literature
- সংস্কৃত
- সংস্কৃত সাহিত্য .
891.2 / DIK\S