Elements of English rhetoric and prosody
Bose Bahadur, Rai Radhika Nath
Elements of English rhetoric and prosody / Rai Radhika Nath Bose Bahadur and T.S. Sterling. – 32th ed. – Kolkata : Chuckervartty, Chatterjee, 2003.
203 p.
Includes appendix and index
808.042 / BOS\E
Elements of English rhetoric and prosody / Rai Radhika Nath Bose Bahadur and T.S. Sterling. – 32th ed. – Kolkata : Chuckervartty, Chatterjee, 2003.
203 p.
Includes appendix and index
- ISBN 81-85913-03-X : Rs.70.00 .
- Rhetoric and prosody--English language
- English literature .
808.042 / BOS\E