Hapkins and pre-Raphaelitism a brief study of affinities and influences
Sural, G. B.
Hapkins and pre-Raphaelitism : a brief study of affinities and influences / G. B. Sural. – Kolkata : Bharati Sahitya Prakashani, 2002.
120 p.
Includes note, conclusion and reference
821.009 / SUR\H
Hapkins and pre-Raphaelitism : a brief study of affinities and influences / G. B. Sural. – Kolkata : Bharati Sahitya Prakashani, 2002.
120 p.
Includes note, conclusion and reference
- ISBN : Rs.125.00 .
- English literature--History and criticism--Poetry
- English .
821.009 / SUR\H